The residential, liberal arts college is dedicated to research, teaching, and service. Susquehanna University encourages open, on-going intellectual engagement and debate by members of the University community through civil, mutually respectful interactions that preserve the openness of public dialogue and debate. As such, the right to dissent is essential to academic freedom and scholarly pursuits. 萨斯奎哈纳希望社区的所有成员相互尊重,并以积极的方式为各种想法和意见的有序和文明交流做出贡献. 萨斯奎哈纳希望所有社区成员在一个致力于对复杂和具有挑战性的想法进行批判性讨论的环境中感到受欢迎和安全. Accordingly, 浩博体育app允许学生在受此政策约束的情况下在校园内集会并发表意见, consistent with its mission and its commitment to protecting campus buildings, 理由, and facilities.

所有大学生在校园内进行和平集会和抗议时,必须遵守这些具体的指导方针. 本政策所涵盖的和平集会类型包括(请注意,这不是一个详尽的清单):

  • Demonstration – A large group of people, usually gathering for a cause. It often includes a group march, ending with a rally or a speaker. 示威与抗议类似,因为它们都可以使用相同或相似的方法来实现目标.
  • March – A walk by a group of people to a place in order to express an objection with any event, 情况, 或政策
  • 纠察线-一群拒绝上班的人,除非他们的雇主同意某些要求
  • Protest – A protest is an organized way to express objections with any event, 情况, 或政策. These objections can be manifested either by actions or by words.
  • 静坐-任何有组织的抗议活动,一群人和平地占领了大学的户外空间.
  • 守夜-纪念活动或浩博体育app的纪念活动,旨在表明围绕特定问题或关注的团结, and/or to promote peace and prevent violence.

These forms of expression are permitted on campus so long as they are orderly, 合法的, 不会破坏或干扰大学的正常运作或获授权的活动, 并遵守本政策和《浩博体育app》中所有其他政策的要求.



  • To ensure safety and the orderly functioning of the University, 集会和抗议应不迟于集会/抗议前五(5)个工作日通过活动管理办公室进行登记. 由于某些特殊原因,组织者不能在集会或抗议活动前五(5)个工作日提交通知, the regular operations and special functions of the University must be respected, and organizers still must notify the 浩博体育app Management Office prior to the assembly or protest, as is the case with all University events.
  • Upon receiving written notification, 大学代表将主动与组织者会面,提供适当的支持和资源,以降低风险,保护参与者集会和抗议的能力. Notifications received fewer than five (5) business days before the assembly may be reviewed subject to staff availability; however, support and resources may be limited.


  • 室内集会和抗议活动必须在其所在设施或空间的正常运行时间内进行(如适用)。. Buildings will not be kept open beyond regular hours to accommodate assemblies.
  • Assemblies and protests are prohibited during final exams.
  • Assemblies and protests cannot extend past 12 a.m. (midnight) or a time determined by an authorized University official, whichever is earlier.
  • 集会和抗议活动必须遵守有关集会或抗议活动所在司法管辖区的法律和条例.


  • 学生s may hold peaceful assemblies and protests in any venue that can be reserved for events.
  • 集会不得在大学社区其他成员或客人同时保留或安排的任何空间举行.
  • 不得占用或聚集在大学办公室进行集会或抗议.
  • Assemblies and protests may not impede the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, block thoroughfares, or obstruct campus building/office/room entry or exit points.
  • 大学最终决定集会和抗议的最合适地点.


  • 任何形式的集会和抗议都不应破坏或干扰大学的正常运作,也不应妨碍社区其他成员参与大学的项目和服务并从中受益, and must adhere to all other applicable policies.
  • 示威者应以和平及有秩序的方式行事,不应扰乱课堂秩序, 会议, assemblies, or academic pursuit.
  • When assemblies and protests occur in the context of a speaker on campus, 听众应举止文明,不得侵犯他人观看或聆听演讲者的能力.
  • Protesters should respect the rights of all people, 财产, and the environment and should not represent a threat to campus safety or physical 财产.
  • Assemblies and protests may not take place in a manner that violates the law, defames any individual, constitutes a genuine threat or harassment, or incites violence.
  • While participating in an assembly, 禁止个人拥有或使用可能对校园社区的健康或安全构成威胁的物品和/或服装,包括, but not limited to, 武器, pepper spray, 梅斯, 火把, 头盔, or protective armor or gear or similar items that could cause injury or harm to others, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
  • 集会和抗议活动不得使用扩音器干扰正在进行的上课或其他活动.
  • 参加集会的个人不得声称代表或以其他方式代表大学的立场, unless officially sanctioned by the University. Sanctioning occurs as part of the Notification process described above.

不遵守这一政策或不遵守执法部门或大学官员的指示,可能会导致被从活动中除名,并被转介到学生行为准则程序中. 学校可以中断或停止任何违反本政策或其他政策或学生手册的集会或抗议. A decision to interrupt or stop an assembly or protest is final. If an assembled group does not voluntarily disperse when warned that its behavior is unacceptable, 学校可以要求校园安全办公室或当地执法部门采取行动,恢复校园秩序.

所有客人在校园的存在取决于他们是否遵守大学的政策和程序, 如果他们在任何时间、以任何理由被大学的授权官员指示离开校园,他们必须离开校园. 大学不允许非大学团体在校园财产或大学活动中举行抗议活动. 不接受授权的大学官员的指示可能使大学社区的非成员有可能被当地执法部门采取行动.